Botryosphaeriales » Botryosphaeriaceae » Barriopsis

Barriopsis thailandica

Barriopsis thailandica Dissanayake, Senan. & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. (Figs. 4, 5)

Index Fungorum number: IF551363; Facesoffungi number: 00913; Etymology: Name refers to the country Thailand, where the fungus was collected. Holotype: MFLU 15-1414

Saprobic on decaying bark of Tectona grandis L.f. Sexual morph Ascostromata 170–220 µm high × 150–170 µm diam. (av. = 194 × 160 µm, n = 10), scattered, initially immersed, becoming erumpent through bark when mature, solitary or gregarious, uniloculate, globose to subglobose, or flask-shaped when cut horizontally, coriaceous, ostiolate, papillate. Papilla 70–80 × 60–65 µm (av. = 77 × 64 µm, n = 10), short, periphysate. Periphyses 15–20 µm (av. = 20 µm, n = 10), brown, curved towards the outside, long, flat, leaf-like. Peridium 20–45 µm wide (av. = 30 µm, n = 10) comprising outer, 5–10 layers of brown, thick- walled, large cells of textura angularis to textura globulosa and inner, 4–7 layers of hyaline, thin-walled, small cells of textura angularis to textura globulosa. Hamathecium comprising 2–4 µm wide (av. = 3.5 µm, n = 10), hypha- like, numerous, septate, pseudoparaphyses, slightly con- stricted at septa. Asci 50–110 × 19–21 µm (av. = 70 × 21 µm, n = 20), (2) 4 (8)-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindric-clavate or clavate, with long or short pedicel, apically wider than base, apex rounded with an ocular chamber. Ascospores 15–20 × 9–11 µm (av. = 18 × 10 µm, n = 30), mostly biseriate, rarely overlapping uniseriate, ellipsoidal or rhomboidal, inequilateral, wider in the center, initially hyaline, becoming yellow, pale brown to reddish- brown when mature, aseptate, ends blunt when mature, thick-walled, smooth-walled or verruculose. Asexual morph Conidiomata stromatic, uniloculate, dark brown to black. Hamathecium 20–35 µm long (av. = 28 µm, n = 20), hyaline, cylindrical, mostly aseptate, sometimes branched, ends slightly swollen and rounded, arising amongst the conidiogenous cells. Conidiophores reduced to conidio- genous cells. Conidiogenous cells 4–7 × 4–6 µm (av. = 6.5 × 5 µm, n = 20), hyaline, smooth, cylindrical, slightly swollen at the base, enteroblastic, proliferating percurrently to form one or two closely spaced annellations. Conidia 15–19 × 7.5–8.5 µm (av. = 17 × 7.8 µm, n = 20), ellip- soidal at apex, rounded at base, widest at the center, thick- walled, initially hyaline, aseptate, becoming 1-septate, dark brown, striated after released from the conidiomata.

Culture characteristics: Colonies on MEA reaching 3–4 cm diam., after 5 days in the dark at 18 °C, flattened, velvety, lobate, fimbriate, initially white at the edge, becoming olive green in the center, after 7 days becoming greenish-ash, woolly with erect mycelia.

Material examined: THAILAND, Uttaradit Province, on decaying bark of Tectona grandis (Lamiaceae), 12 October 2014, I.C. Senanayake (MFLU 15-1414, holo- type), ex-type living culture MFLUCC 14-1190, KUMCC 16-0185.

GenBank Numbers ITS:KY115675; TEF1:KY115676.

Notes: Barriopsis is one of the less well-known genera in the family Botryosphaeriaceae. To date only four species; Barriopsis archontophoenicis, B. fusca, B. iraniana and B. tectonae have been reported for this genus (Phillips et al. 2008; Abdollahzadeh et al. 2009; Doilom et al. 2014, Konta et al. 2016a, b). Barriopsis tectonae has both sexual and asexual morphs (Doilom et al. 2014; Konta et al. 2016a, b). We describe both a sexual and asexual morph for Barriopsis thailandica (Figs. 4, 5). The asexual morph formed in culture grown on MEA (Fig. 5). In the phylogenetic analysis of combined ITS and TEF1 sequence data, this new taxon is related to B. iraniana (Fig. 3), but phylogenetically distinct with very good support (100% maximum parsimony and 1.0 in Bayesian analysis) to justify its establishment as a new species. The small conidial dimensions of B. thailandica (17 9 8 lm, L/W ratio = 2.1) clearly distinguish it from B. iraniana (27 9 16 lm, L/W ratio = 1.6). The asexual morph has not been reported for B. iraniana, whereas that of B. thailandica is reported herein.