Botryobambusa fusicoccum
Botryobambusa fusicoccum Phook., Jian K. Liu & K.D. Hyde, in Liu et al., Fungal Diversity 57(1): 166 (2012)
MycoBank: MB 801314
Etymology: Referring the asexual stage “Fusicoccum-like”. Saprobic on dead bamboo. Ascostromata 103.5–152 μm high (including neck), 95–152 μm diam, dark brown to black, immersed under epidermis to erumpent, gregarious, visible as minute black dots or papilla on host tissue, multi- loculate, locules individual globose to subglobose or fused, coriaceous, vertical to the host surface, with a central ostiole. Neck 42–59 μm diam, 31–54 μm high, central, papillate, periphysate. Peridium 12–20 μm wide, comprising several layers of cells, with relatively thick brown to back- walls, arranged in textura angularis, broader at the base. Pseudoparaphyses not observed. Asci (48-)55–66(−82) × 14–17(−18) μm( = 60 × 15.5 μm, n = 25), 8–spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate to cylindro-clavate, pedicel- late, apically rounded with well-developed ocular chamber (2–3 μm wide, n = 5). Ascospores (8-)11–13(−14) × 5–7 μm ( = 11.5 × 6 μm, n = 30), uni–seriate at the base or irreg- ularly biseriate, hyaline, velvety, aseptate, ellipsoidal to obovoid, usually wider in the apex, thick-walled, surrounded by distinctive structured mucilaginous sheath. Pycnidia (formed on WA on sterilized pine needles within 10 days) superficial on host surface, clustered in a stroma, multiloculate, globose to subglobose. Peridium comprising several layers of cells textura angularis, broader at the base, outer layers dark to dark-brown and thick-walled, inner layers hyaline and thin-walled. Conidiogenous cells (8-)10 −14(−16) × 3–5 μm holoblastic, hyaline, cylindrical to ellipsoidal, smooth-walled. Conidia (21-)22–25(−26) × 5– 7 μm ( = 23.5 × 6 μm, n = 30), hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical to cylindro-clavate, thin-walled, with rough wall.
Culture characteristics: Colonies on PDA reaching 50 mm diam after 4 d at 25–30 °C, fast growing; circular, whitened in a few days, after one week becoming grey to green-black; flattened, fairly dense, surface smooth with crenate edge, filamentous; reverse grey to black, pigments not produced in media.
Material examined: THAILAND, Lampang Province, Jae Hom District, Mae Yuag Forestry Plantation, on dead culms of Bambusa sp., 19 August 2010, R. Phookamsak, RP0059 (MFLU11–0179, holotype), ex-type living culture MFLUCC11–0143; Ibid., living culture MFLUCC 11–0657.