Lasiodiplodia parva
Lasiodiplodia parva A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous, Fungal Diversity 28: 9 (2008)
MycoBank: 510942.
Etymology: Named for the small size of conidia.
Conidiomata in contextu hospitis inclusa, solita- ria, stromatiformia, globosa. Cellulae conidiogenae, holoblasticae, hyalinae, subcylindricae, percurrenter cum 1-2 proliferationibus prolificentes, vel in plano eodem periclinaliter incrassatae. Conidia 19.8-20.5 × 11.4-11.7 μm, unicellulares, parietibus crassis, ovoidea, apicibus obtuse rotundato, in fundo obtuse rotundato, primaria hyalinae, cum maturitate cinnamomescentia vel brunne- scentia, longitudinaliter striata et unum septa formantia.
Conidiomata formed on poplar twigs in culture pycnidial, uniloculate, dark brown to black, immersed in the host becoming erumpent when mature. Paraphyses hyaline, cylindrical, septate, ends rounded, up 105 μm long, 3-4 μm wide arising amongst the conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, smooth, cylindrical, slightly swollen at the base, holoblastic, proliferating percurrently to form one or two annelations, or proliferating at the same level giving rise to periclinal thickenings. Conidia ovoid, apex broadly rounded, base rounded or truncate, widest in the middle or upper third, thick-walled, initially hyaline and aseptate and remaining so for a long time, becoming one-septate and dark walled only some time after release from the conidiomata, with melanin deposits on the inner surface of the wall arranged longitudi- nally giving a striate appearance to the conidia, (15.5-)16-23.5(-24.5) × (10-)10.5-13(-14.5) μm, 95% confidence limits = 19.8-20.5 × 11.4- 11.7μm(x ±S.D.=20.2±1.9×11.5±0.8 μm, l/w ratio = 1.8 ± 0.1).
Teleomorph: unknown
Habitat: Cassava-field soil, Theobroma cacao.
Known distribution: Colombia, Sri Lanka.
Material examined: COLOMBIA, Dep. Meta, Villavicencio, cassava field soil, 1978, O. Rangel, (CBS- H 19915; holotype, culture ex-type CBS456.78).