Botryosphaeriales » Botryosphaeriaceae » Lasiodiplodia

Lasiodiplodia tropica

Lasiodiplodia tropica Y. Zhang ter & S. Lin, Mycological Progress 18: 693. 2019.

Index Fungorum: IF 829246; MycoBank: MB 829246.

Colony sporulating on pine needles and SNA. Asexual morph: Conidiomata up to 500 μm diam., stromatic, solitary, immersed and superficial, iron-gray to dark gray. Paraphyses up to 60 μm long, 3–4 μm wide, filiform, hyaline, unbranched, aseptate, becoming up to one-to-two-septate when mature. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells up to 8–12 μm long, 3–4 μm wide (av. = 9.3 × 3.7 μm, n = 40), holoblastic, discrete, hyaline, smooth, thin- walled. Conidia (17–) 18–24 (–25) × (12–) 13–14 (–15) μm (av. = 21.2 × 12.4 μm, n=50), L/W ratio = 1.7, hyaline, aseptate, smooth, wall 2 μm thick, ellipsoid to ovoid, both ends broadly rounded, becoming pale brown with septate and longitudinal striationswhen aged. Sexual morph: not observed.

Culture characteristics: Colonies reaching 50 mm diam. on MEA after 2 d in the dark at 28 °C, initially white, becoming ash-gray after 5 days.

Representative isolate: Laos, Vientiane, near the international airport, Aquilaria crassna, Oct. 2012, leg. X. Sun, holotype HMAS 255195, CGMCC 3.18477 (ex-type culture).

Hosts: Aquilaria species (Wang et al. 2019).

GenBank Numbers: ITS KY783454; tef1-a KY848616; TUB KY848540; RPB2 KY848574

Notes: Morphologically, Lasiodiplodia tropica with the smaller-sized conidia and only about 2 weeks for the conidia to become pigmented.


Wang Y, Lin S, Zhao L, Sun X, He W, Zhang Y, Dai YC (2019) Lasiodiplodia spp. associated with Aquilaria crassna in Laos. Mycological Progress 18, 683–701.


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